break a leg (a humorous way to wish someone good luck, such as before a performance)
have (a) hollow leg(s) (saying that someone eats or drinks a lot)
not have a leg to stand on (to be unable to win an argument, or being unable to prove your position)
a leg up (the suggestion that you have an advantage in your job, education, etc. because you got help or money)
be on his/her last leg (used to say something is old and no longer works well, or that someone is old, weak and very tired)
be pulling (someone's) leg (someone telling you something that isn't true, such as a joke)
shake a leg (to tell someone to hurry up)
blow the lid off (to let people know the truth about a situation that had been a secret)
flip your lid (wig) (to suddenly become very angry)
keep the lid on (something) (to control a situation so that it doesn't become worse, or so that the secret or private information does not become known)
as plain as the nose on your face (something is very easy to see or understand or realize)
brown-nose (to try and make someone in a position of authority like you by being nice to them.
can't see past his/her nose ( someone is too interested in themselves and their own life to understand or deal with other situations or other people's problems)
cut off your nose to spite your face (to do something because you are angry or in a hurry, even though it will harm you or make a situation worse)
do (something) with your nose in the air (to behave as if you are better than someone else)
follow your nose (to behave in a way that you think is best or right, often in a situation where there are no rules.)
keep your nose to the grindstone (to work very hard for a long time without thinking about anything else)
have a nose for (something) (to be naturally good at noticing or finding a particular type of thing)
hold your nose (to accept that you have to do something that you do not want to do because you feel you do not have a choice)
keep your nose clean (to avoid getting into trouble and not do anything wrong or illegal.
lead (someone) around by the nose (to control someone completely so that they do everything you want them to do, especially in a way that makes the person seem stupid)
look down your nose (at) (to behave as if someone or something is not good enough for you)
pay through the nose (to pay a lot or too much for something)
powder your nose ((old-fashioned saying that women used to say that they want to go to the bathroom in order to avoid saying it directly)
don't get your nose out of joint (don't get so annoyed, like you're not being shown enough respect)
rub your nose in it (to keep being reminded of something you do not want to think about, especially if it makes you feel embarrassed or ashamed)
stick your nose into it (to become too involved in, or show too much interest in someone else's private life or affairs so that they become annoyed or angry)
thumb your nose at (to show that you do not respect rules, laws, or people in authority)
Rod P.